*Trigger Warning: Talk of previous pregnancy loss, chronic illness and Covid-19.
Baby Shower - February 23, 2020
Exactly one year ago, we were at my baby shower. This was a huge milestone for us because of everything we went through to get to this point and to be able to have a baby.
Before my son Declan was born I battled, and beat, Lyme Disease and 4 tick co-infections (Babesia, Bartonella, Mycoplasma & RMSF).
May 2019 - Right before I was told I was in remission from Lyme & co.
I went into remission from Lyme Disease in May 2019, after almost 10 months of rigorous IV antibiotic treatment, and was finally cleared by my doctor to begin trying for a baby as we had planned.
We got pregnant quickly, but had a pregnancy loss that I'll be dedicating an entire blog post to shortly. After that devastating loss, l got pregnant with my little miracle rainbow baby.
🌈 Our Pregnancy Announcement
My baby shower was such an incredible day where we got to celebrate with so many friends and family members. We hugged every single one of them (imagine that). We had no idea that was the last time we’d be seeing most of them for at least a year, and who knows when we will hug any of them again.
Ed, Me & my Abuela (grandmother) who has yet to meet Declan. My dad and step-mom were on video here.
The day of my baby shower was also the last time we saw my husband’s family. They visited just before the pandemic hit and their next visit was going to be when our baby was born. Then the world went into a tailspin and the borders were closed from the UK to the USA.
From left to right: Ed’s mom, Ed, me, my mom and Ed's dad. My dad and step-mom on video on the phone.
In April 2020, during peak week of the Covid-19 pandemic in New Jersey, our son Declan John was born.
💙 Declan at 1 day old
I was so excited to be a new mom, but also terrified that the stress of pregnancy on my body, plus the stress of going through all of this during a global pandemic would bring the Lyme Disease out of remission. It was physically draining but also emotionally draining because we had pictured sharing all of these special moments with our family.
We had to find a new normal, and during the next three months I fell deeper in love with my husband and my new baby boy as we spent that entire time together at home. Ed’s job was closed temporarily and he was furloughed due to the pandemic. I put my business on hold longer than expected as well for the same reason. It was just the three of us, learning how to be a family of three.
💕 Our little family
During that time, I kept in contact with my Infectious Disease doctor, as I was told it was a strong possibility that Lyme Disease could come out of remission after pregnancy because my body’s immune system would be so vulnerable. I went on a preventative oral anti-biotic regimen and got bloodwork done in July 2020. The Lyme Disease was still in remission. The preventative measures had worked!
But then….in August 2020 I got Covid-19. I, my husband and my baby boy all got Covid-19.
Just a couple of weeks after my clear bloodwork, my body now had to fight this massive virus that compromises the immune system, while also recovering post-partum, trying to keep Lyme Disease in remission and stressing about the fact that my husband and baby boy were so sick as well. It was just too much for my body and something had to give. That something was Lyme Disease.
My body actually handled Covid-19 pretty well. Ed and Declan had it much worse than me. Ed was in a bad place for a while there and Declan was super congested, sick after every bottle and miserable. I was surprisingly ok…or so I thought.
What was happening under the surface was that Lyme Disease was being given the perfect opportunity to take over as my body was busy fighting Covid-19 and healing from having a baby.
By the end of August I started having Lyme symptoms again. By November it was pretty bad. In December, just before Christmas, I tried a super strong oral regimen of antibiotics. By the end of January 2021 I had my central line placed, once again, to get IV antibiotics to treat Lyme & co.
Now I’m over 10 months postpartum, 6 months over Covid-19 and using my entire body and mind to battle Lyme & co while being a new mom. I want to be everything for my son, but sometimes asking for help and accepting help is the best way for me to do that. It’s emotionally difficult, but I know it’s just for now while I’m working on getting back to my healthy self.
I’m so incredibly lucky to have my husband and mother here to help. We also have the long distance love and support from family all over the world. Then, of course, I have Declan. His little smile makes any situation better.
2-14-2021 💙 My smiley little Valentine
When I look at all the crazy things that have happened to so many people over the past year, I can’t help but feel grateful that despite everything my body is going through, my family is safe and alive. My baby boy and my husband are alive. We all had Covid-19 and we are alive. That’s something that so many families can’t say about their loved ones who had Covid-19 this past year, and my heart breaks for them.
Yes, we’ve gone through a lot. The ENTIRE WORLD has gone through a lot. Every single person in this world has been impacted by COVID-19 somehow this year. I’m grateful to be here and to be able to fight and heal and to spread awareness about what my body is going through now.
Lyme Disease, like Covid-19, is brutal. Lyme Disease is an epidemic and there needs to be more research into fighting it. I’m fortunate to have treatment options and to be able to fight it. Some people don’t. This has killed people. There needs to be more awareness about how to prevent, diagnose and treat Lyme Disease and other tick co-infections.
Whether it is the pandemic, epidemics or any other battle you’re facing just know you’re not alone. Everyone has a battle of some kind and every battle and struggle is valid. Speak up, talk to someone and ask for help when you need it. There are people out here for you.
You can follow me on my personal instagram page to learn more about Lyme Disease and the various tick co-infections and what they can do to the human body. Stay informed, stay safe and always check your body for ticks after spending time outdoors. Most importantly, stay positive, because that’s how we heal.
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