Declan’s Christmas photo wearing a cardigan knitted by his Grandma 🇬🇧
We had our baby boy Declan John at the peak of the Covid-19 Pandemic in New Jersey on April 10th, 2020. All of his “firsts” have been very different than what we imagined before having a baby, including his first Christmas.
First time seeing Christmas lights!
We had planned Declan’s first Christmas to be spent in England with my husband Ed’s family. We had also planned for his Christening to take place there as well. Then 2020 threw us (and everyone else in the world) a curveball. We didn’t go to England. We didn’t go to my Tio Diego's house for the Cuban Christmas Eve I'm used to. We didn’t have a Christening. Instead, we had to find a way to somehow bring as many of our family traditions to Declan in our own home.
Ed made his Mom’s turkey and sausage stuffing Christmas recipe! 🇬🇧
We spent Christmas Eve with two amazing family members who took precautions for 2 weeks before-hand so we could safely have dinner in the same house. We also made sure Declan got to meet Santa Claus and kept a tradition going from my family to get an early gift (or two) on Christmas eve from Santa.
Declan's first time meeting Santa!
Declan’s Christmas Eve gifts from Santa! He got a remote control like his Daddy’s and a reindeer teether.
Together, we all cooked foods that would typically be at the Christmas dinners we would normally be at. We had traditional English Christmas turkey and stuffing and traditional Cuban Christmas foods like yuca with mojo, pork, rice and beans and bread. I made my grandmother’s rice and beans. Ed made the turkey and his mother’s English stuffing. Everyone made something... and it all came out great!
Christmas Eve Dinner 🇬🇧 🇨🇺
We topped it off with a caramel banana trifle inspired by one that Ed’s sister Philippa made a few years back that I LOVED.
On Christmas morning we called our family in England and Declan opened his gifts “with them" via video chat!
Declan’s favorite gift from Christmas morning 🎁
We also called family in Florida, other parts of New Jersey and Kentucky. We're scattered everywhere!
Grandpa and Declan on Christmas! (Via Facebook Messenger FL/NJ) 🇨🇺
Declan got his first pair of drumsticks from my mom, his Nonna (Italian). He played her old snare drum that she got when she was 18. He loved that!
🥁 Declan with his new Vic Firth drumsticks from his Nonna! 🇮🇹
Ed unboxed and put together a few of Declan's new toys when we got home. We’re putting some away and taking them out little by little so he has “new toys” to play with every couple of weeks. He played with some of his new toys on Christmas night and had a blast.
We all wore matching Christmas pajamas and stayed in them all day on Christmas. Pajama days are the best!
Matching Christmas Pajamas!
There may have been lots of traditions that we missed out on this year and so many family members we didn't get to see in person, but we figured out ways to “bring everyone together” via video chats, the food we had on Christmas Eve and the new traditions we created together this year.
Declan loved watching the popcorn maker and seeing the DIY fridge snowman his Nonna made!⛄🍿
Whether you celebrate Christmas, one of the many other holidays or none at all, there are so many traditions that families are used to that you may not have gotten to celebrate this year.
While it’s sad and tough being away from those we love, we have tried our best to find ways to include important family traditions and family members through all of Declan’s firsts this year.
❤ Declan got a stuffed elf from his Auntie Philippa and fell in love with it immediately. 🇬🇧
We’ve also come up with new traditions and creative ways to include family in his first year even though many haven’t seen him in person yet. More on that in another blog post!
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year from our family to yours! ❤
Wishing everyone a happy, healthy and safe new year as we go into 2021.
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